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Consumer advisory: Redemption Matzah


A limited amount of "Redemption" brand matzah, certified by Chug Chasam Sofer, R' Shmuel Kaminetzky and OK-Kosher, has been affected by storage insects. This occurred after it left the bakery and/or in transit (all flour is sifted and checked before baking).

Any affected matzahs were immediately recalled. There is a possibility that some boxes were sold before the recall was completed.

Consumers are encouraged to check the matzah before Pesach as a precaution. Chug Chasam Sofer, R' Shmuel Kaminetzky and OK-Kosher stand behind their kosher certification of "Redemption" matzahs.

If you encounter any issue with your Redemption Matzahs, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Wishing Klal Yisroel a chag kasher v'sameach.


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